Sadie Laska
Sadie Laska is a painter, sculptor, and musician from West Virginia currently living in New York. Her paintings are gestural, energetic, and abstract, made up of layers of fabric and canvas which the artists paints in bright and vibrant colors. In her recent series of flower paintings, Laska uses floral fabric patterns as a starting point for loose compositions that push the boundaries of the paintings' borders.
Sadie Laska (b. 1974) has exhibited at Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Geneva and Paris, Kerry Schuss, New York, Gavin Brown Enterprise, New York, and Le Confort Modernne, Poitiers. She is one half of the band I.U.D., which has performed internationally, including at ISSUE Project Room, New York, Kunsthalle Zurich, Astrup Fearnley, Oslo, and MoMA PS1, New York.
Sadie Laska is represented by CANADA, New York.
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