Sam Falls
Sam Falls is a Los Angeles-based artist who works in a variety of media. He is a photographer, painter, writer, videographer, and curator. His works are often full of vibrant color and emotion, and he has an uncanny ability to take the ordinary and turn into the extraordinary.
Sam Falls (b. 1984) has exhibited at The Kitchen New York, LAXART, Los Angles, Ballroom Marfa, Marfa TX, Hannah Hoffman, Los Angeles, Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Zurich, Franco Noero, Turin, and Pomona College of Art.
Publications include Death Sequence, Karma, Studio Space Print Time, Printed Matter, Four Seasons Forever, Flash Art, Resonance, Mousse, Life Size, Sam Falls, Zabludowicz Collection, and more.
He is represented by Hannah Hoffman, Los Angeles, Eva Presenhuber, Zurich, and Franco Noero, Turin.
photo by Erin Falls
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